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Our team


Proven specialists with decades of experience gained at renowned financial institutions advise you. Independently and in partnership. Day after day, we are committed to being among the best.

To the team

About us

What you can expect from Swiss Rock

Scientifically sound

The latest findings in financial science and the results of our specific research projects flow directly into our investment processes. With acumen and foresight. This enables us to offer you investment products that are developed systematically and not based on short-lived market trends. Well founded.

Many years of experience

Proven specialists with decades of experience gained at renowned institutions advise you. Independently and in partnership. By investing their own funds in exactly the same way as those of our clients, our specialists personally vouch for optimal and targeted advice. Absolute integrity.

Our values

Passion and Fairness

Wealth management is our passion. Day after day, we are committed to being among the best. With drive and perseverance. Our particular motivation is to credit you with the return on your assets, deducting the lowest possible fees. Nothing but fair.


FIDLEG Client Information Sheet

The purpose of this FIDLEG Client Information Sheet is to inform you how Swiss Rock Asset Management AG will apply certain requirements of the Swiss Federal Financial Services Act ("FIDLEG") as of January 1, 2022.

FIDLEG Client Information Sheet

ESG Engagement Policy

Our customers' sustainability requirements are evolving at an enormous pace. We understand the importance of meeting these requirements and assessing the risks and opportunities associated with the transition to a sustainable world.

Learn more about our ESG Engagement Policy

SFDR Offenlegungen

Dieses Dokument wurde erstellt, um die spezifischen Offenlegungsanforderungen gemäß den Artikeln 3, 4 und 5 der Verordnung (EU) 2019/2088 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 27. November 2019 über nachhaltigkeitsbezogene Angaben im Finanzdienstleistungssektor (SFDR) zu erfüllen. Dieses Dokument kann weiter aktualisiert werden, um die technischen Regulierungsstandards, die die SFDR ergänzen, und die Verordnung über die Schaffung eines Rahmens zur Erleichterung nachhaltiger Investitionen (Verordnung EU/2020/852) (die "Taxonomie-Verordnung") zu berücksichtigen, sobald sie am 1. Januar 2023 in Kraft tritt.

SFDR Disclosures

SFDR Art. 3 Risiken der

Nachhaltigkeitsrisiken können auf der Ebene der Vermögenswerte / Investitionen, auf der Ebene des Fonds / Portfolios sowie auf der Ebene des Anlageverwalters auftreten und erhebliche finanzielle und / oder reputationsbezogene Auswirkungen auf die Investitionen des Portfolios haben.

SFDR Art. 3 «Sustainability Risks»

SFDR Art. 4 Due-Dilli-
gence-Erklärung zu negativen Auswirkungen auf Nachhaltigkeit

Nachhaltigkeitsfaktoren implizieren, dass Umwelt-, Sozial- und Arbeitnehmerbelange wichtig sind, genauso wie die Achtung der Menschenrechte sowie die Korruptions- und Bestechungsbekämpfung. Swiss Rock Asset Management sowie Swiss Rock LUX ist ein umsichtiger Vermögensverwalter und sich bewusst, dass die Anlageverwaltungstätigkeit nachteilige Auswirkungen auf die Nachhaltigkeit haben können.

SFDR Art. 4 Due diligence statement Adverse Sustainability Impacts

Offenlegung von SFDR-Daten

In diesem Dokument beschreiben wir die verwendeten Datenquellen, Massnahmen, die zur Sicherung der Datenqualität getroffen werden, informieren über den Anteil geschätzter Daten und beschreiben, wie wir Daten verarbeiten.

SFDR data disclosure

Conflicts of interest Policy

Swiss Rock Asset Management will act honestly, fairly and in the best interests of the funds it manages or its clients and maintains appropriate organizational measures to avoid or at least minimize the risk of conflicts of interest.

Learn more about our conflict of interest policy

Best Execution und Best Selection Policy

Below we provide you with clear, concise and up-to-date information on Swiss Rock Asset Management's best execution and best selection policies and procedures under Luxembourg law. Our objective is to achieve the best possible result for the managed UCITS and AIFs (hereinafter referred to as "the Funds") and to protect their investors.

Learn more about our Best Execution und Best Selection Policy

Complaint handling policy

The complaint handling procedure is designed to ensure that complaints are handled properly and in a timely manner. Swiss Rock Asset Management ensures objectivity in the handling of complaints with the aim of finding the truth. Potential conflicts of interest are identified and mitigated in accordance with SRAM's Conflict of Interest Policy.

Learn more about our complaint handling policy

Voting rights policy

The purpose of this policy is to describe Swiss Rock Asset Management's framework for the potential exercise of voting rights by setting out key principles for decision-making and defining conceivable procedures and responsibilities.

Learn more about our voting rights policy

Compensation policy

In connection with the management of undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities ("UCITS") and alternative investment funds ("AIF"), hereinafter collectively referred to as "funds", as well as the management of investment portfolios in accordance with mandates given by investors on a discretionary, client-related basis, the "Remuneration Policy" sets forth principles for remuneration.

Learn more about our compensation policy

Risks in trading with financial instruments

The new Financial Services Act (FIDLEG), valid from January 1, 2020, regulates the protection of clients of financial services. It defines the requirements for the faithful, careful and transparent provision of financial services and stipulates the offering and creation of financial instruments. This also includes the obligation of financial service providers to inform their customers in a simple and comprehensible manner about the general risks involved in dealing with financial instruments.

Learn more about risks in trading with financial instruments

Some of our awards

LSEG Lipper Fund Awards

Swiss Rock wins 1st Place in Switzerland with the
Award 2024

Strategy Fund Growth over 10 years 

Best Fund
Small Investment Company

LSEG Lipper Fund Awards

Swiss Rock wins 1st Place in Germany with the
Award 2024

Mixed Assets over 3 years 

Best Group
Small Investment Company

LSEG Lipper Fund Awards

Swiss Rock wins 1st Place in Austria with the
Award 2024

Mixed Assets over 3 years 

Best Group
Small Investment Company

Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards

Swiss Rock wins 1st Place in Switzerland with the
Award 2023

Strategy Fund Growth over 10 years 

Best Fund
Small Investment Company

Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards

Swiss Rock wins 1st Place in Europe with the
Award 2023

Mixed Assets over 3 years 

Best Group
Small Investment Company

Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards

Swiss Rock wins 1st Place in Germany with the
Award 2023

Mixed Assets over 3 years 

Best Group
Small Investment Company

Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards

Swiss Rock wins 1st Place in Austria with the
Award 2023

Mixed Assets over 3 years 

Best Group
Small Investment Company

Strategy Fund (Dachfonds) Award

Swiss Rock wins in Austria several awards in 2023.

Mixed Funds "Flexible / Balanced":
Second place over 1 year
Third place over 3 years

and also:

Mixed Funds "Yield oriented - conservative":
Second place over 5 years
Third place over 3 years

Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards

Swiss Rock wins 1st place in Austria with the
Award 2022

Group Winner for Mixed Funds
Small Investment Company

Strategy Fund (Dachfonds) Award

Swiss Rock wins 1st Place in Austria with the
Award 2022

Mixed Strategy Funds "Yield dynamic" over 1 year


Lipper Fund Awards 2020

Swiss Rock wins 1st Place in Austria with the
Award 2020

Best Group Mixed Assets Over Three Years
Small Investment Company

Strategy Fund (Dachfonds) Award

Swiss Rock wins 1st Place in Austria with the
Award 2018

Mixed Fund of Funds "Flexible / Balanced" over 5-years

Morningstar Rating

Swiss Rock Strategy Fund Growth currently has the maximum star rating of 5 in all maturity categories (3-year, 5-year, 10-year and total)