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«Coordinate forces and succeed together»

Why Swiss Rock Funds?

The experience of investors and the research of academics lead to the same conclusion: Higher returns can be achieved with deliberate investing in the right value drivers.

Fierce competition in capital markets ensures that profits are rarely realized entirely without risk. But not all risks reliably lead to profits. In our Swiss Rock funds, we take only those risks that are worth taking and - just as important - we forgo risks that remain without compensation.

Last update

01/29/2025 - 01:00

Current Value

CHF 21.44

Performance (YTD)

+6.38 %

Last update

01/29/2025 - 01:00

Current Value

CHF 15.94

Performance (YTD)

+5.70 %

Last update

01/29/2025 - 01:00

Current Value

CHF 12.67

Performance (YTD)

+3.94 %

Last update

01/29/2025 - 01:00

Current Value

CHF 11.91

Performance (YTD)

+2.53 %

Last update

01/29/2025 - 01:00

Current Value

CHF 157.84

Performance (YTD)

+3.84 %

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Think Tank - Reflecting Capital Markets

Manuel Epprecht

A look at the historical development of the credit risk premium (i.e. the additional interest compared with government bonds for the risk of default due to bankruptcy) for European corporate bonds with an investment grade rating (AAA-BBB) shows that lower premiums were only paid in this millennium in the period directly before the major global financial crisis - i.e. 2004-2007. In 2014, 2017 and 2020, today's level was synonymous with bottoming out in each case.

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Dr. René Dubacher

More than a hundred years of empirical evidence indicates that equities, while highly volatile in the short run, reward investors with a higher return over bonds and cash in the long run. This return differential, the so-called equity premium, is the reason most investors invest in a diversified equity portfolio.

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