Think Tank
Withdrawing capital on retirement is a capital mistake – supplementary benefits will increase
Our balanced forced savings system is designed to provide financial security in old age. 1st pillar: AHV pay-as-you-go system, 2nd pillar: BVG funded system and voluntary payments into the 3rd pillar. Examples from abroad – 401K plans in the USA, surrounding countries – show insufficient voluntary pension savings and/or the overburdening of states with the financing of the pay-as-you-go system.
Infrastructure as an «independent» class of investment:
A chimera
Low or negative interest rates favored private market investments. High returns, low risks and correlations, so the mantra went. With a time lag, infrastructure investments emerged, with similar arguments in favor. Are the expectations realistic?
Are Swiss pension funds investing appropriately? The real restrictions, wasted returns and a harebrained scam
Are Swiss pension funds investing appropriately?
AZEK Lecture CIIA: Valuation of CDS
Valuation of Credit Default Swaps CDS
Are Swiss pension funds investing appropriately? The real restrictions, wasted returns and a harebrained scam
Interview with participants from Swiss Rock: Dr. Roman von Ah
Lukas Riesen from PPCmetrics and Roman von Ah discussed the topic under the direction of Editor-in-Chief Kaspar Hohler:
"Are Swiss pension funds investing appropriately? Two investment specialists discuss risks, the long term and diversification in the portfolio. A critical discussion that is not conducted in this way in the decision-making bodies of many pension funds."
We are delighted that the professional journal Schweizer Personalvorsorge has published this interview (in German only) in its latest issue (04-24 Akzent).
Inflation and reduced savings years jeopardize pension security
Author: Dr. Roman von Ah
The rampant inflation, even if it tends to decrease, will accompany us for a long time. The effects on the Swiss 2nd pillar can be great.
In particular, a late career entry as well as reduced savings years endanger the security of the pension (in german only). Lump-sum withdrawals are not recommended.
The article was published in Finanz und Wirtschaft - Vorsorgebeilage on September 9, 2023.