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Interest rate turnaround:​­​ 1 year of positive interest rates

Dr. Roman von Ah

Dr. Roman von Ah

Economics Financial Markets

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Especially in these hectic times for financial markets, it is worthwhile to think outside the box:

Are we living in an inflationary environment with rising interest rates for a longer period of time?

Fundamental factors point to a decline in interest rates once central banks have won the battle against inflation rates.

Especially in these hectic times for financial markets, it is worthwhile to think outside the box:

Are we living in an inflationary environment with rising interest rates for a longer period of time?

Fundamental factors point to a decline in interest rates once central banks have won the battle against inflation rates.

The following text "The laws of economics continue to apply" (in german & french only) takes a stand:

German: "Die ökonomischen Gesetze gelten weiterhin"
French: "Les lois de l'économie continuent de s'appliquer"

The article was published in the March issue of the trade journal "Schweizer Personalvorsorge" (03/23).

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