Think Tank

Multifactor equity forecast: Update 2022
The year 2021 was a very eventful year from an equity perspective. Supply chain problems, inflationary pressure, a wave of regulation in China and new earnings records are just a few buzzwords that can describe the movements on the financial markets.

Multifactor Equity Forecast: Update September 2021
A lot has happened on the financial markets in recent weeks and months. Emerging markets in particular have been characterized by high volatility. Therefore, it is worth taking another look at our country/region equity multi-factor model and its forecasts.

Multifactor stock market forecast 2021
In early 2020, we first reported on our equity multi-factor model for countries/regions and its equity market forecasts. The factor-based method ranks countries or regions according to their attractiveness. The criteria used are price-momentum, valuation, earnings-growth and quality.

Multifactor stock forecast: Update
A good four months ago, we reported on our country/region equity multi-factor model and its equity market forecasts. As a reminder, based on a factor-based methodology, the model ranks countries or regions.

Objective stock market forecast
Which regions or markets will generate the highest returns in 2020?