Think Tank

Withdrawing capital on retirement is a capital mistake – supplementary benefits will increase
Our balanced forced savings system is designed to provide financial security in old age. 1st pillar: AHV pay-as-you-go system, 2nd pillar: BVG funded system and voluntary payments into the 3rd pillar. Examples from abroad – 401K plans in the USA, surrounding countries – show insufficient voluntary pension savings and/or the overburdening of states with the financing of the pay-as-you-go system.

Infrastructure as an «independent» class of investment:
A chimera
Low or negative interest rates favored private market investments. High returns, low risks and correlations, so the mantra went. With a time lag, infrastructure investments emerged, with similar arguments in favor. Are the expectations realistic?

Are Swiss pension funds investing appropriately? The real restrictions, wasted returns and a harebrained scam
Are Swiss pension funds investing appropriately?

Inflation and reduced savings years jeopardize pension security
Inflation and reduced savings years jeopardize pension security.

Interest rate turnaround: 1 year of positive interest rates
The laws of economics continue to apply

Are there alternatives to stocks? Yes, but none is better
Stock market bear markets regularly raise the question of stock alternatives. The simple answer: Of course there are
alternatives. Whether they are better is an open question.

Gold can be green too
Gold medal for gold investments: Even in the current crisis, the precious metal has proven to be the best protection.

More shine with clean gold
Investors are also increasingly paying attention to sustainability when it comes to gold investments. Swiss banks and asset managers are showing innovation.

«Vendre au son du clairon, acheter au son du canon»
Two major issues are preoccupying the stock markets: On the one hand, Russia's current threatening gestures towards Ukraine are rightly worrying market participants on the global capital markets. And on the other hand, the markets - after an excellent year for equities in 2021 - have reacted nervously to higher inflation rates and & interest rate fears in 2022 to date, correcting by over 10%.

Elk test for financial planning
Will stock levels continue to fall - even after the current recovery? Maybe, but you should still leave your investments alone.

Laffer Curve
Neither history nor economic research supports the thesis of self-financing tax cuts

Pit stop for the "Twitterer-in-Chief"
The Potus («President of the United States») provides us with many iconic quotes that will probably be repeated in histories and textbooks for decades. Not because they are good, but because they are very clear examples of bad ideas.