Think Tank

Focused growth funds: easy come, easy go
The violent rotations between different investment styles has struck fear into the hearts of investors in growth funds since the end of 2021. With the surprising rise in inflation, investors' focus has shifted away from growth stocks to spurned value stocks.

Europe offers added value with substance ("value") shares
In October 2021, the inflation rate in the U.S. exceeded 6% for the first time in decades; the result was a significant rotation on the stock markets. Inflation fears have erupted and redirected expectations: To curb inflation, central banks would have to completely change their policies, away from low interest rates and generous money supply expansion to rising interest rates.

MSCI ESG Leaders Index
Every asset manager, portfolio manager or investment advisor is currently confronted with the three magic letters ESG. Many clients want to know what impact the integration of ESG criteria has on their investments.

Low Risk is not No Risk
The announcement in early November that the first vaccines have been successfully tested and approved by health authorities, combined with other large stimulus packages, has triggered a fierce sector and style rotation in the markets. This rotation is a clear sign that markets expect a clear pick-up in economic growth after Q2 2021.

Severe correction in the Nasdaq 100: That's good!
The sell-off in the highest-capitalization technology stocks from early September sent the Nasdaq 100 Index down 5.2% for the day and the less technology-heavy S&P 500 Index down 3.5% as well.

With (investment) style through the crisis
Our preferred approach to asset management is to apply scientific evidence. We try to be as objective and fact-based as possible to optimize the likelihood of success of our investment activities for clients.

Equity earnings performance Europe vs. USA
The annual results of Apple, Microsoft or Amazon have positively surprised investors and the good results were also immediately acknowledged with new high prices. Not only these flagships of the US technology companies rush from record to record, but also the entire US stock market is happy about new highs of the indices such as the S&P 500 or the MSCI USA.