Think Tank

Holcim, Adecco and Mobilezone: cheap, but also good value?
Some shares still appear to be cheap by the usual valuation standards.

Inflation and reduced savings years jeopardize pension security
Inflation and reduced savings years jeopardize pension security.

Bonds are more attractive than they have been for a long time
Bonds are more attractive than they have been for a long time. They can once again better fulfill their traditional function in income-oriented strategies.

Interest rate turnaround: 1 year of positive interest rates - The laws of economics still apply
Author: Dr. Roman von Ah
Are we living in an inflationary environment with rising interest rates in the longer term? Fundamental factors argue for a decline in interest rates once the central banks have won the battle against interest rates.
The following article was published in the trade journal Schweizer Personalvorsorge of 03/2023 (in German / French only)

Are there alternatives to stocks? Yes, but no better ones
Stock market bear markets regularly raise the question of stock alternatives. The simple answer: Of course there are alternatives. Whether they are better is an open question.
The article "Es gibt keine Chancen ohne Risiken" in Sonderbund Vorsorge der FuW (Finanz und Wirtschaft, 10. September 2022, in German only) shows why equities must always have the highest expected returns on economically sound grounds.

2022 could be a year of two faces - NZZ Roundtable
Dr. Roman von Ah
Fear of the new Corona variant and of higher inflation is rampant on the stock markets. Financial experts and asset managers discuss at the NZZ Roundtable (Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ, 6.12.2021) how savers and investors should act now